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His For Christmas

  His For Christmas

  A Sugar Bay short story - #1.5

  By Kinsley Gibb

  His For Christmas Copyright 2014 Kinsley Gibb


  All Rights Reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions. For information contact; address

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Book and Cover design by Kinsley Gibb

  To my kids for their continued support in this crazy adventure of a writer’s life…love you three to the moon and back.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3



  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  ** The end **

  Excerpt from His Kind of Perfect - Chapter 1

  Excerpt from His Kind of Perfect - Chapter 2

  Excerpt from His Kind of Perfect - Chapter 3

  Other books by the Kinsley Gibb

  Thank you for reading His For Christmas. I hope you enjoyed visiting with my friends from Sugar Bay. Reviews help Indie Authors connect with new readers. Please consider leaving a review to help readers find the Sugar Bay series.

  Sugar Bay Series

  His Kind of Perfect – Anabelle and Derek - available now

  His For Christmas - available now

  His Kind of Wonderful – Fall 2014

  Dani & Joe’s story

  His Kind of Crazy - December 2014

  Charlie & Heath’s story

  Contact the Author

  Chapter 1

  “Uncle Derek, is Santa Claus real?”

  Derek froze in the middle of placing the miniature chandelier in place. He was in his workshop with his two nieces working on the miniature while his sister finished up some accounting in the front.

  “Hand me the glue, will you Esme?”

  “Okay.” His four-year-old niece sat next to him on the workbench. Her red and white stocking encased legs pumped in time to the beat of ‘Old Saint Nick’ playing in the background.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Davey Booth said he wasn’t real.” Alex, his eight-year-old niece muttered.

  “What did your mom say?”

  “She said, of course Santa was real, but we wanted confirmation from another adult. So is he?”

  Two golden brown eyes looked at him with hope.

  “Santa is definitely real.”

  Alex exhaled in relief. “I knew it.”

  Esme’s reaction was similarly heartfelt and he lifted his head from the delicate work at hand and grinned. “Were you worried?”

  “Sort of. Davey knows a lot and when I heard Alex fighting with him, I got worried. Plus Alex was so mad I thought she was going to kick him in the you know what.”

  The last part was delivered in a stage whisper with rounded eyes.

  “So did you?” He asked Alex who was now focused on stacking the scraps in front of her in a precarious tower.

  “No.” Disgust evident in her tone. “Mommy broke up the fight and told Davey it was best he went home because blood stains were a pain to remove.”

  “Your mom said that?”


  “Your mom is a smart woman.” His middle niece was feisty. There was no way she’d let someone get away with injustice. Even if she didn’t fully believe in Santa, she would’ve been pissed at anyone trying to spoil the magic for her little sister. At last, he finished the installation of the tiny chandelier.

  “Alright, who wants the honors?”

  “I do!” They both shouted.

  “On the count of three, Alex, you hit the overhead lights and Esme, you hit this switch, okay?”

  “Okay.” Two sweet voices chimed.


  The light was switched off, the model house lights were switched on. The effect was magical.

  “Uncle Derek,” Esme breathed, “It’s beautiful.”

  “Anabelle is going to love it.” Alex added as all three of them looked at the result of weeks of hard work.

  Initially the idea had been Esme’s. She’d requested a Barbie dream house for Christmas and was insistent that Anabelle would like one as well. They’d compromised on a custom big girl dream house for Anabelle instead and so their quest began. Like a stalker through her Pinterest boards, he looked for images of her dream house. He sketched out a floor plan and stacked the floors to maximize the footprint and gathered wood scraps to use. With assistance from Alex and Esme he’d pieced together the elements she loved. His eldest niece, Janie, pulled together materials and fabrics based on Anabelle’s favorite colors and with balsa wood and a thread, she’d created custom furniture. They’d sanded, painted and glued during his limited free time when Anabelle wasn’t around. Today marked the end with the lighting finale. It was three stories of detailed craftsmanship and his plan was to present it to her Christmas morning one week away.

  “Girls, thank you for your help. And Esme, thank you for the idea in the first place.”

  His phone alerted him to a new message from Dani.

  “Stay here and be quiet for a little bit, okay? We have a little problem.”

  Derek rushed to the reception area, grateful the workshop was a distance from the studio entrance. He didn’t want Anabelle walking in on her surprise before Christmas. He found her leaning against the transaction counter that hid the mess his sister was prone to making at her desk. For a moment, he appreciated the curves accented by Anabelle’s position.

  “Hey sweetheart!” He wrapped her in his arms, loving the way she felt. “You look beautiful, is this a new outfit?”

  “I was just asking her that,” Dani said, her eyes a little wild.

  “No, I’ve worn it before.”

  “What about the shoes?” His girl had a thing for sexy shoes.


  “Oh. Okay.” Dani look at him for direction.

  “What’s going on?” Anabelle narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” Dani’s voice had risen in pitch and Derek shook his head at his sister.

  “Come on Anabelle. Ignore Dani, she’s had too many red bulls today.” He led Anabelle away. His sister was no good under pressure and it was a good thing she was getting her PhD and not her MD. The stress of an ER rotation would have killed her. “Dani, why don’t you take a break in the back and eat something.”

  He gave Dani a look and hoped like hell she understood she needed to go watch the girls. He led Anabelle to his office in the opposite direction from the back workshop and closed the door behind them. He locked the door and grinned at Anabelle’s raised eyebrow. He pulled her toward his desk and leaned against it. He snaked his hands around her hips to palm her bottom, pressing her more fully against him.

  “So how about a real greeting?”

  She fiddled with the buttons on his rolled up plaid shirt. “Well, I don’t know. I feel like y’all are hiding something from me.” She gave him a knowing look.

  “Is that so?”

  “It is.”

  He nuzzled behind her
ear in a spot he knew she found incredibly sensitive. He was rewarded with a delicate shudder and grinned against her neck. “And does that bother you?”

  “Since Christmas is a few days away, I’ll assume it’s a top secret project.” She pulled back to eye him. “Am I right?”

  “Possibly.” He pulled her close and rained feather kisses on her nose, along her cheekbones and under her jawline. She tilted her head and let him play.

  “Okay then,” she said and sighed when he hit a particular spot. “I’ll be patient.”

  “Excellent plan. Because you know what they say, don’t you?”

  “Hmmm. What?”

  “Good things come to those who wait.” He brushed the scruff on his chin along her neck. She adjusted her angle to give him better access. He bit her gently then pressed a kiss against the hurt. She shuddered.

  “Is that what they say?”

  “Yep.” He tugged down the neckline of her top and pulled back to admire her creamy skin.

  “What else do they say?” She gasped when he pulled her demi bra cup down and exposed a breast.

  “Patience is a virtue.” He nuzzled the soft skin and tasted the dusting of freckles on the slope of her breast. “Reminds me of brown sugar.” Her hands came up to hold him to her.

  “Uh-huh…you know what else they say?

  “No, sweetheart.” Kiss. Suck. “What do they say?” He laved her nipple with the flat of his tongue. Swirled the tip before he engulfed it fully into his mouth. She tugged his hair and he knew she enjoyed their love play. He loved how sensitive her nipples were.

  “They say a happy girlfriend makes for a happy relationship.” He grinned against her breast and continued the torture. “So if you don’t stop teasing me and start kissing me like you mean it, you might run into some trouble.”

  He lifted his head and grinned. “With pleasure sweetheart. With pleasure.”

  This time there was no soft foray into play, no gentle lead in. This time the kiss was all hot tongues, gasping breaths and frantic moans. It was Anabelle doing her best to climb Derek’s lap to feel his hardness against her damp panties. It was grinding heat. It was the palming and weighing of her breasts, the pulling of shirts out of her skirt, out of his pants so skin against skin could be felt, could be enjoyed, could be savored. It was filled with want, with need, with wet and wanton desire.

  “Come on.” He pushed off the desk and bunched up her skirt with desperate hands. He turned and lifted her onto the desk, stepping between her legs. He pulled her to the edge and pushed her knees apart.

  “Anabelle,” he breathed against her lips before he plundered them once more. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.”

  He moved his hands along her inner thighs until he encountered a silky barrier that he easily slipped past.

  “I love how wet you get.”

  Anabelle’s hands were busy with his remaining buttons. She made quick work of them and tugged apart his shirt. He groaned when she sucked his nipples and lightly scored her nails across his stomach. She made her way south, unzipped and released him from his confines. He groaned as she took his cock in her hands.

  “I love how hard you get.”

  Gently she played with his balls and grazed a sensitive spot below. His head fell back. “Have mercy.”

  “Don’t know if that’s possible, darling.”

  He dipped two fingers into her honey and rubbed a lazy path around the engorged cluster of nerves, skirting her most sensitive spot with each pass.

  “Derek,” she breathed his name, her mouth lax, her lips swollen from his kisses. He felt fluid leak from his slit and squeezed his cock for control.

  “Damn. You are so hot.”

  He stepped close and aligned their bodies with one hand while he fondled her bottom with the other. At last, he slid in, loving the way her eyes rolled to the back of her head in response.

  “Hang on sweetheart.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and together they moved. The initial pace was slow and sensuous but it wasn’t long before the pace no longer satisfied and their need exploded. His body ground into hers and she pressed back, lifting her legs to better clasp his hips.

  When at last through his fierce pounding, he felt her internal muscles ripple then squeeze his cock rhythmically. He groaned and let go, following her into an orgasmic oblivion.

  Derek slumped against her and Anabelle sighed. “Now that’s definitely a way to keep your girlfriend happy.” She patted his cheek lightly. He turned his head and kissed her palm.

  “Did you like that sweetheart?” His heart still thundered in his chest.

  “If I liked it any more than I did, I’d be dead.”

  He chuckled, in complete agreement.

  A knock on the door made them freeze.

  “Derek, you need to get out here.”

  Chapter 2

  Anabelle and Derek frantically rearranged clothing to its rightful place, wiped away evidence of their afternoon delight and walked out of his office. Derek whistled tunelessly and held Anabelle’s hand in his while they channeled peace and serenity but Dani was too accustomed to their frequent disappearances and rolled her eyes.

  “Please. I don’t know why you two bother acting innocent in front of me.”

  Anabelle’s pink cheeks filled him with a cocky sort of joy. The instinct to claim her as his was overwhelming. He bent to steal another kiss her but Dani snapped her fingers in his face.

  “Focus, loverboy. You had your fun already so say your goodbyes. Your presence is needed in the workshop.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her and from the look she gave him back, he knew he wasn’t going to like it.

  Despite Dani’s glower, he pulled Anabelle aside and kissed her, taking his time. “I’ll see you tonight, sweetheart.”

  “Okay. Do you need any help?”

  “No he doesn’t,” Dani said and put her body in between them. “But I do. I’m thinking about buying new bedding for Christmas and I need your opinion. What do you know about Egyptian cotton?” She led Anabelle away while he headed to the back and whatever chaos the girls had left.

  “What the—“

  The model he’d finished not an hour ago, lay on its side, broken bits of wood, clay and glass surrounded it.

  “I didn’t do it.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “No, I didn’t. You did it.”

  “Nuh uh.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Nuh uh.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Girls!” The girls jumped at his raised voice and two sets of chocolate brown eyes, so like his turned to him.

  “What happened?”

  The girls looked at each other, then at him. Esme’s lips started quivering then Alex did the same. In the next instant, pitiful sounds of little girls crying filled the studio. Derek sighed because although the details of how it happened were unclear, the result was clear…weeks of work had been demolished.

  With slumped shoulders, he walked to his nieces and held them.

  “I’m so sorry, Uncle Derek.” Alex hiccupped. “I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to see it closer. It looked so pretty.”

  “Me too.” Esme added.

  “It’s okay.”

  “Do you still love us?”

  He swallowed at the pathetic brown eyes Esme turned to him.

  “Never gonna stop.”

  “You sure, Uncle Derek?” Alex took off her glasses and wiped her eyes. “I’m so clumsy. Janie told mommy she should send me back for a refund since I’m defective.”

  “Ignore your sister honey, she’s twelve. Sarcasm is her weapon of choice.” He wiped a tear that slid down her soft cheek. “You are perfect, Alex, in every way.”

  She burrowed in his arms.

  “I love you, Uncle Derek.”

  “Love you too, kiddo.”

  Minutes later, Alex perked up the way she did when she got a bright idea. “We can help you fix it, can’t we E

  “Yep, yep, we sure can.” Esme’s golden brown pigtails bounced as she nodded.

  He looked at the debris on the floor of his studio and winced. He walked closer, picked up the shell and set it on the table. The frame was skewed, affecting each floor. All the little details were either cracked, chipped or had fallen. Was it even possible to fix in the short amount of time left? Christmas was a week away and he had other deadlines as well as assorted family events lined up.

  “I don’t know, girls.” He thought of the vintage like platinum diamond ring in his dresser drawer, the other present he planned to give along with the model dream house. Now that plan was a bust. “Maybe we should go shopping instead.”

  Both Alex and Esme wilted, their tear streaked cheeks and misery squeezed his heart, and he felt bad for them.

  “It’ll be fun. We’ll give her the model dream house for Valentine’s day instead.”

  They didn’t look convinced. “Come here.” Alex walked towards him; her pace turtle-like, a far cry from her usual exuberant bounce of golden retriever excitement. Esme shuffled close and he pulled them into his arms. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”

  The forgiveness released a flood of new tears as they burrowed as close as they could. He rubbed their backs and made nonsensical soothing noises.

  “Everything okay?” Dani stood in the doorway, looking miserable. “I’m so sorry. I was in the kitchen for not even five minute—“

  “It’s fine.” He nodded, not waiting a third crying female on his hands. “I think a trip to Charlie’s Decadent Den would be fitting.”

  Alex and Esme’s heads came up at once, a glimmer of excitement sparkled in their eyes. “Really?”

  “Really.” It was official…he was a sucker. “Dani, can you take them? I’m going to see what I can salvage.”

  His sister nodded. “Come on little monsters. Let’s get some cupcakes because I’m in the mood for Lemon Coconut Crunch.”

  The girls rushed to Dani’s side. But before they left, Esme ran back to hug him. “We’re really sorry, Uncle Derek.”